When was the last time that you turned your house upside-down looking for your sunglasses, only to realize that they had been perched on your head the whole time?
It’s funny how things that are so close to us can also be the very things that we don’t see. We have a God who created all things, who has promised restoration to all things through Christ, who has breathed new life into all things through the Spirit. God’s fingerprints are everywhere! And yet we so often miss seeing God in our world because we simply forget to look
Isaiah tells us that God is doing a new thing. God is bringing order to the chaos of our wilderness life. God is bringing water to thirsty places. Wherever we see hungry people being fed, homeless people being given shelter, anxious souls finding comfort, warring nations finding peace – God is there.
This message is an excerpt from “Renewal of Sight,” a free, downloadable “All Anew” devotional by the Rev. Melissa Bills. Today we observe Holy Cross Day.
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