Lots of us hope that Christianity will help us (and our children and grandchildren) be better people, nicer people, easier to get along with, people who make better decisions. And very often Christian education and direction do just that. God appreciates nicer people as much as anybody, but nicer people are not God’s full intention for humanity. God means to transform us and to re-make us, to create us once again in God’s own image as in the beginning.
Transformation is possible––with God, anything is possible––but it is not painless. While God is re-making and re-molding us, there are likely to be some pretty significant twinges. While we were hoping for smallish, easy changes, God has much bigger, and often more difficult things in mind for us. There are things we will have to let go of and things we will have to take on.
This message is adapted from “What’s Possible” written by Karen Melang in the January/February 2012 issue of Gather magazine.