While shopping in a favorite boutique recently, a book caught my eye. It’s entitled Grace: Quotes and Passages for Heart, Mind, and Soul, edited by B.C. Aronson. Grace, well that sounded decidedly Lutheran. The heart, mind and soul reminded me immediately of our women’s health initiative, Raising Up Healthy Women and Girls, where we ask about our ESP, our emotional, spiritual and physical health. I bought the book, went home, and began flipping through its pages.
The editor’s basic premise in creating this collection of quotations is that the world is sorely lacking in grace these days and we need some inspiration to live grace-filled and graceful lives. “Indeed, most of us are so busy or stressed,” the editor writes, “that there seems to be little time for grace – that is, to reflect on or receive God’s grace, to give grace or to receive the grace of others, or to live and act with grace in everyday life.” When grace is in our life, the editor writes, we become more understanding, more loving, and more dignified.
In the hopes that women in our organization will become more understanding, more loving, and more dignified, I invite you to pause in this season of Easter for reflection. Where have you received God’s grace in the last week or so? Have you had opportunities to receive the grace of others? Did you allow that to happen? Have you had opportunities to give grace to others? If so, did you? Following the Lenten season with its call to introspection, in what ways are you living and acting with grace in everyday life? You can apply these questions on the ministry of your congregational unit as well, reflecting on the ways your unit receives and gives grace.
This is adapted from “Easter Grace,” an article written by Linda Post Bushkofsky that appeared in the April 2008 issue of Lutheran Woman Today (now Gather) magazine.