March. That desolate not-quite-spring month when Christmas has been packed away, but the cold winds of winter still blow. If it weren’t for the calendar’s promise of Easter morning, we could do very well without March. It is a time we must bear between cozy winter and exciting spring.
March is a waiting period, and we are not always patient about waiting. We have times in our lives between the asking and the blessing, between the question and the answer. Waiting is as much a part of faith as fulfillment. Some of God’s blessings and answers will take more than the 31 days of March. Some answers may fall from the end of our time and be answered in eternity.
There will be times of waiting. There will be times of questions without immediate answers. There will be needs that are not filled in the ways we thought appropriate or in the time frame we chose. We can still sing, “The Lord is good! God’s love and faithfulness will last forever” (Psalm 100).
This message is adapted from “Between Question and Answer” written by Marj Leegard in the March 2005 issue of Lutheran Woman Today (now Gather) magazine.