Lyn felt that God was her best hope. At age 39 she was widowed and raising her four daughters alone when she was diagnosed with stage III breast cancer. How could she afford treatment on the salary she earned as a teacher? How could she endure a double mastectomy and chemotherapy while struggling to support her young family?
So she prayed.
“God’s answers came in response,” she said. “When I found I had only $2,000 left, I prayed for financial help and received $1,000 in the mail anonymously and another $1,000 as a gift from a student’s family. When cancer left me feeling beaten down, I rested in my faith and listened to God’s voice, which assured me I would survive.”
In Jeremiah 30:17, God says, “I will restore health to you.” And in recent years, new research has backed up this pledge. Studies show that prayer can ease mental illness, improve patients’ quality of life, and help them cope more effectively with illness.
From Lazarus to lepers, the Bible abounds with stories of healing. If you or someone you know is suffering, take it to the Lord in prayer.
Today’s message was adapted from “The Power of Prayer” written by Molly M. Ginty that first appeared in the December 2008 issue of Lutheran Woman Today (now Gather) magazine.
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