The night sky with its gentle breeze and the sun moving further down the horizon provided a perfect night to be outside. And the place outside I love to be in the summer is always the garden. Full days with two children under 4 doesn’t leave much time to garden during the day. My garden time is better suited for the evenings when my kids are fast asleep.
A few nights ago provided the perfect backdrop. My dog keeps me company while I weed or plant. Sometimes I admire the produce before my eyes. Life surrounds me in all its beauty. With several years now under my belt as a gardener, I find that each year and each season provides lessons anew.
So wherever you are, in whatever season you find yourself, turn to the garden. Open your eyes and see what you can learn from the smallest seed about to sprout.
This message is an excerpt from a Women of the ELCA blog by Kimberly Knowle-Zeller. Today is the first day of summer.
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