The old saying, “God works in mysterious ways,” I can attest to be true. In 2010, my husband of then 21 years heard a call to serve the church as an ordained pastor. I was completely shocked.
You see, when we met, he was atheist. I am about to take on the role of “The Pastor’s Wife.” Even as someone who believes in God, who was raised in the church, I never saw this coming.
God is always at work in our lives, often behind the scenes. I believe we sometimes choose to make it more difficult by relying on ourselves to get through. Sometimes we forget God is with us every step of the way. God really does work in mysterious ways.
This message was adapted from the Women of the ELCA blog, “God works in mysterious ways,” by Kristin Dill. It first ran as a Give us This Day column in the April 2016 issue of Gather. Today we remember Birgitta of Sweden, renewer of the church, who died 1373.
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