Hildegard of Bingen, a 12th-century German visionary, described the process of coming to fruition as “the greening.” Here in the Chicago area where I live the fruition has come, and those are … dandelions!
They remain resistant to my attempts at natural controls. And so I plan to eat them! Dandelions actually remind me of a managing resistance handout I created for Women of the ELCA’s anti-racism educator’s network, Today’s Dream: Tomorrow’s Reality.
Managing resistance by being asked to change sort of feels like we are being pulled up by our roots or even like we could get eaten alive?
Our saving grace when we are faced with change or when we are invited to volunteer for transformation is simply this: God is able. God knows us each inside out and knows just where our pressure points are. All we need do is allow God to work in us.
This message is an excerpt of a Women of the ELCA blog by Inez Torres Davis is director for justice. Today we remember Hildegard, Abbess of Bingen, who died in 1179.
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