The stories of the lost coin, the lost sheep and the prodigal son who returns from the lost are core lessons that strike at our heart’s desire to be found (or at least to be sought after) when we are lost. But, is the lesson simply, when something is lost, then found, we rejoice? Of course not. I believe there is always more to the stories of old because God gives us the tools of faith, hope and trust to deal with the losses in our lives.
Perhaps loss has a lot to do with failing to remember and not trusting enough. Do we need to know that circumstances will work themselves out? That everything will be all right? Not always. That wasn’t the case when I lost my granddaughter, or more recently, my mother. We need to know in whom we should rely when we suffer loss. We need to know to trust in God always.
This message is adapted from “Lost, but Found: Knowing Whose We Are” written by P.K. McCary in the April 2005 issue of Lutheran Woman Today (now Gather) magazine.