As people of faith, we know that we’re kidding ourselves if we expect those who follow Jesus to always be clean and trouble-free. Life has never been like that. Our church community is where we can find a safety net, a hand to hold, someone to listen to us as we reveal what our life is really all about, someone to help us turn our eyes and hearts to those places where God is breaking through.
Addiction locks doors, forcing its victims into shamed, frightened silence. As people of God, we are called to help bring light into those places where some are locked away so that they too may experience the peace and the grace that Jesus offers.
This message is adapted from “Faith reflections: Addiction transfer” by Brooke Petersen in the August 2007 issue of Café magazine. Today is the 16th Sunday after Pentecost. We celebrate the Feast of St. Michael and all angels, also known as Michaelmas.
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