The instruction “Do not judge” should be enough to command our obedience, but sometimes we need to know the consequences before we’ll follow directions. So Jesus reminds us: “or you too will be judged.” Now, through Scripture and Holy Communion, we know that “though we are many, we are one body in Christ.” So it follows that when we judge someone else, we also hurt ourselves, since together we are one body. It is false to believe that we are separate, independent, and unaffected by others’ actions. As people of faith, we know that the “rest of the story” is that we are all one (broken, weak, but hopeful) body.
May we release our judgments and live into the perfect freedom Jesus offers, so that the body of Christ moves toward a wholeness that may surpass our understanding (and egos). After all, who are we to judge?
This message is adapted from “Who are you to judge?” written by Emily Williams Guffey that first appeared in the October 2010 issue of Café magazine.