When Jesus walked along the road to Emmaus with the disciples, he opened their minds to understand the scriptures. Likewise, Jesus comes to us to open our understanding. Even after Jesus explained the scriptures, even after his disciples recognized his true identity, they were still confused.
That’s good news. We are living in a confusing time and it’s OK to feel confused.
The disciples did not recognize Jesus, even though he was with them the whole time. Likewise, Jesus has been alongside us every moment. Yet, at times, we struggle to recognize Jesus in our midst. Perhaps we are either unaware, overwhelmed, or distracted.
It is not surprising that Jesus comes to us in unexpected ways and “breaks into” our lives–right in the middle of our sheltering in place, socially distanced lives.
Thankfully, Jesus keeps showing up when and where we least expect to encounter him. Jesus is relentlessly present in the shadows of our lives no matter the confusion, fear, or circumstances. Jesus will not social distance himself from us.
This message is an excerpt from “Faith reflections: Feels like Good Friday” by Angela T. Khabeb in the June 2020 issue of Café. Today is Labor Day, a federal holiday in the United States to honor and recognize the American labor movement.
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