There have been days in my life when grief was so heavy I could barely breathe. Death showed up unexpectedly, and I have known what it means to be bereft of hope and laughter and future.
There have been days in my life when I felt so ashamed that I wanted to wither away. When I could not shake off the judgment of others, or when my own shortcomings riveted my attention, I have despaired of ever fitting in or doing things right.
There have been days in my life when the world’s problems have been so confounding and relentless that I wanted to hide in the wilderness and walk away from all responsibility. On those days, I don’t need a king or a warrior. I need a mother.
God, mother me. God, gather me into your warm bosom and nourish me with perfect food. Cradle me until I am loved, hopeful, and whole. Gaze into my eyes and tell me that I am yours. Sustain me, faithful one. Amen.
This message was adapted from “Hold Me Faithful” written by Catherine Malotky that first appeared in the March 2006 issue of Lutheran Woman Today (now Gather) magazine. Subscribe to Gather for articles about faith, action, comfort and community.