It can be excruciating to wait. We do not always get what we hope for. But sometimes, if we are open to it, as we wait, we catch a glimpse of hope, of faith, of a sense of God’s presence that we might not have seen otherwise.
Sometimes waiting is frustrating or worrisome. But what if we could occasionally welcome some of the waiting times in our lives as a chance to see where God will show up for us next? Instead of just slogging through some of the mundane waiting times of life, we could practice looking for God in tiny ways.
Next time you are sitting at a stoplight or on hold, try to welcome the time as a moment to pray for a friend, connect with your own breath, or simply be still. As you practice a new way of approaching your waiting time, God is there. God is always there, meeting you in the moment.
This message is an excerpt from “The waiting place” by Jordan Miller-Stubbendick in the December 2019 issue of Gather magazine. Today, on this fourth Sunday of Advent, we remember Katharina von Bora Luther, renewer of the church, who died in 1552.
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