I was taught not to take up too much space. Think of how unbecoming it would have been for me, a young woman, to outshine my male classmates in school. It was better not to have strong opinions because if you have strong opinions and voice them, people might not like you.
But then I read your word, and I watch Jesus at work. I catch a glimpse of Deborah and Miriam and Esther and Dorcas and Mary Magdalene and Prisca. They made a difference for their families and their neighbors and their people.
We don’t have to wear a neon sign. That wasn’t Jesus’ way or any of the admirable biblical women. But Jesus and those women held firm to their convictions and gave passionately of themselves for the sake of the world.
This message is adapted from “Amen” written by Catherine Malotky in the June 2005 issue of Lutheran Woman Today (now Gather) magazine.