One of the things we see in a new light these days is just how precious our friends really are. I’ve missed seeing my pals in person (due to the pandemic), but I think that makes me cherish them all the more. Have you found the same thing? Even a virtual get-together with these faithful friends does my heart a world of good.
As the Scripture (Sirach/Ecclesiasticus 6:14-16) says, faithful friends are a treasure, and I thank God for them every day.
Women of the ELCA as an organization has faithful friends, too. Our Faithful Friends are even more precious due to the pandemic. Because so many of us are not gathering in our circles and at our events these days, the offerings we would have made just aren’t happening.
Our own faithful friends refresh and renew our spirits, pandemic or no pandemic. Women of the ELCA’s Faithful Friends do the same for our organization. Please join Faithful Friends today and invite a friend to join along with you.
This message is an excerpt from Women of the ELCA’s August 2020 monthly devotion by Audrey Novak Riley. Today we remember James of Jerusalem, martyr, who died around 62.
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