When we do think about death, we must also think about life. A recent blog by Arianna Huffington in the Huffington Post asks: Are you living your eulogy or your résumé? “Have you noticed,” it asks, “that when people die, their eulogies celebrate life very differently from the way we define success in our everyday existence?”
The idea is hardly novel. We’ve heard it before. Most of us just fail to heed it. Even those of us who have a brush with death or lose loved ones rarely change our lifestyles long-term. Maybe for a month or two we remember our mortality, but then we go back to our résumé lives.
What do you hope your eulogy sounds like?
This message is adapted from “A Eulogy Worth Living,” written by Terri Lackey for the Women of the ELCA blog on October 17, 2013. The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity begins today.