We all have our comfort zones. Occasionally we are asked to step outside them. This is what I am facing this year. My son is going to be married soon. The upcoming event will require me to shop for a “fancy dress and shoes.” But that isn’t even the most difficult task I face. I have to learn to dance. This is not even close to my comfort zone.
God, too, has a way of asking us to step (and maybe even dance) outside our comfort zones. God has given us all gifts that we need to tap into. But we need to stretch those comfort zones.
Imagine if you invited a woman that hasn’t attended your congregational unit’s Bible study to come with you. What if you asked the young women in your congregation for ideas of new ministries your synodical women’s organization could help in the coming year?
Is staying inside your comfort zone keeping you from answering God’s call? How can you step outside your comfort zone to expand your ministry?
This message is excerpted from a Women of the ELCA blog by Jody Smiley. Read it here.
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