Recently my sister and I reminisced about how, when we were kids, we believed things would always be the same. The same pastor would be in the pulpit; the same church ladies would host the November Ladies Aid meeting at the same house; the same mail carrier, Watkins salesman, or propane delivery man would come to the farm and lend excitement to our days.
Lack of change comforted me then, and it still comforts me now. Perhaps that is genetic. My dad was born, lived, and died within five miles of his grandparents’ homes. The myth of changelessness didn’t survive childhood. Change is a constant in life, but a change I choose is usually more pleasant than one forced upon me.
How do you relate to change in your life? Is it an irritation or a chance for renewal? I hold on to Hebrews 13:8, “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.” Relying on Jesus brings comfort and stability no matter what changes in our lives.
This message is adapted from a Women of the ELCA blog by Phyllis Rude in 2014. Today we remember Birgitta of Sweden, renewer of the church, who died in 1373.
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