Sin is the source of our wounds, and forgiveness is the balm that heals.
Baptism changes the way we see the world because baptism gives us all the forgiveness we will ever need, the very moment we are touched by the water. We are cleansed with the waters of forgiveness that promise we need not purify ourselves again. Baptism does not mean we live outside the reality of sin. Baptism means we live as already forgiven sinners.
We are given this gift of forgiveness in our baptism, and we are called to work at exercising it throughout our journey as a Christian. Worship leads to the table of life, where we receive the body and blood of Christ that gives us the power to forgive and keep going.
Jesus consistently moved his table beyond the boundaries of purity, righteousness and acceptability. We are connected to the larger world at the table of Christ.
This message is adapted from “Faith reflections: Forgiveness for good” written by AmyJo Mattheis that first appeared in the Summer 2005 issue of Cafe magazine. Today we remember Mark, the evangelist. The readings are Isaiah 52:7-10; Psalm 57; 2 Timothy 4:6-11, 18; Mark 1:1-15.
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