At the Eucharistic meal, all of God’s far-flung family is welcome. The holy meal is not just for us. However different or odd other family members may seem, we know they cannot be strangers to us since they are also God’s children. We join our hearts and hands around the Eucharistic table across every boundary, including time and space.
At every meal, the true host is God. From the green-bean casserole to the bread of Holy Communion blessed and broken and bearing God’s own self, all food comes from God’s hand. God presides even over fast-food eaten hurriedly on the way to a soccer game. Behind every bit of daily bread stands God, our wise provider, hands wide open.
This message is adapted from “Our Thanksgiving Table” written by Karen Melang in the November 1998 issue of Lutheran Woman Today (now Gather) magazine. Today we remember Justus Falckner, who in died 1723; Jehu Jones, who died in 1852; and William Passavant, who died in 1894; pastors in North America.
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