A prayerful day for an adult can easily follow the same design as a childhood routine of morning and night prayers. Waking up in the morning and reviewing our day designs a kind of wellness where we forecast what we will do. We can then follow author Anne Lamott’s triune formula for prayers, which she says are all a variant of “Help, Thanks and Wow.”
Morning is a good time to be thankful for all the good that is on the way to us, ask for help for the tests and challenges that are on their way to us, and say “wow” for the wonder of being alive on such a day as this – whatever this day is. Night prayers bookend and follow: it is as good to review our days with thanks as it is to forecast our days with thanks.
This message is excerpted from “Make prayer a habit” by Donna Schaper in the March 2019 Gather magazine.
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