Jesus meets Cleopas and his partner as they walk the road to Emmaus (Luke 24:13-35), talking about the trauma they had witnessed. The world looks different after facing death. Jesus’ disciples know the world will never be the same for them.
Looking at the pain of trauma straight is so difficult that sometimes we don’t even recognize the familiar places and people around us. We are so distraught and disoriented. We’d try anything to take the pain of those moments away.
And then a stranger comes into our life and says, “Do you want to eat?” and we lurch into the new reality that accompanies the meals of extraordinary moments we taste through the grace of others. For the disciples it was fish and bread. For me it was Lucky Charms and mashed potatoes from the hospital cafeteria.
This message is excerpted from “Trauma and resurrection” by Ann Milliken Pederson in the March/April 2022 Gather magazine. Today is the Third Sunday of Easter. Today we commemorate Toyohiko Kagawa, renewer of society, 1960.
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