Lutheran women have a long history of Bible study, discipleship, and desire to deepen their spiritual life and learn about issues.
Women of the ELCA offers free, downloadable program resources—all in English and many in Spanish—to help you grow in faith and engage in ministry and action.
Journaling can open up pathways to new thoughts, new insights and new energy. If you’re intrigued by the idea of journaling but need some guidance on how to get started, this resource will show you the many benefits of regular journaling and set you on your way. This resource is primarily for individuals, but it would also be good for a small group that wants to come together to learn about journaling and then support one another along the way by sharing tips, struggles, inspiration and success stories.
The Faces of Grief is a three-session resource designed to help you find wholeness and peace after loss. Loss comes in many forms: miscarriage, trauma, natural disaster, goodbyes, death, foreclosure, to name just a few. Discover your own grieving process, explore how grief can transform you, learn to feel the feelings of grief. The Faces of Grief is filled with questions for reflection, discussion or journaling.
Llevar un diario puede abrir caminos a nuevos pensamientos, nuevas ideas y nueva energía. Si está intrigado por la idea de llevar un diario, pero necesita alguna orientación sobre cómo empezar, este recurso le mostrará los muchos beneficios de llevar un diario regular y establecerlo en su camino. Este recurso es principalmente para los individuos, sino que también sería bueno para un pequeño grupo que quiere reunirse para aprender sobre el diario y se apoyan mutuamente en el camino mediante el intercambio de consejos, las luchas, la inspiración y las historias de éxito.