Participants in Women of the ELCA have supported the global ecumenical #ThursdaysinBlack campaign for some time. The campaign has its roots in the World Council of Churches’ (WCC) Decade of Churches in Solidarity with Women (1988-1998), a decade when stories of rape as a weapon of war, gender injustice, abuse, violence, and more came to the forefront.
Through #ThursdaysinBlack, WCC member churches and the global ecumenical family recommit to education about and action to end gender-based violence. As the WCC website explains:
“Wear black on Thursdays. Wear a pin to declare you are part of the global movement resisting attitudes and practices that permit rape and violence. Show your respect for women who are resilient in the face of injustice and violence. Encourage others to join you. Often black has been used with negative racial connotations. In this campaign, black is used as a color of resistance and resilience.”
Organizers encourage those participating in the campaign to share #ThursdaysinBlack photos on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram, using hashtags #ThursdaysinBlack and #WCC.
This message is excerpted from “Black is the color of resistance, resilience and solidarity” by Linda Post Bushkofsky from the August 5, 2019, blog of the Women of the ELCA.
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