On Christmas Day across the centuries, Christians have sung and chanted these words to celebrate the birth of Jesus the Christ. From all corners of the world the song echoes: this day, this day Christ is born.
In these words at Christmas, we do not give thanks for just a solitary event 2,000 years ago: we give thanks also for the hallowing of all days, for the holiness of this day in this year, for now. For Christ in entering time hallows all time, and Christ in entering space hallows all space. Christ fulfills what was begun in God’s creating, when God breathed God’s very breath into the soil (adamah) to bring forth human (adam).
This day (hodie in Latin). Today. God is always seeking to be born more fully into the world. God is always seeking out human hearts to provide God room. Not only in the first century, but now. Not only in the city of David, but also in Cleveland and in Harare.
Alleluia we sing with our voices. Alleluia we sing with our hearts. Alleluia we sing with our lives. For this day, this day Christ is born.
This message is excerpted from “The holy and the ordinary” by Susan Palo Cherwien in the December 2015 Gather magazine. Today is Christmas Day.
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