Here we are, about to embark on the year 2020 and all the lists that a new decade entails. We’re proud of the blogs you, the board, and staff write. Did you know that our blogs have existed for a decade?
“I always like a year in review, but 10 years in review?!” asks Linda Post Bushkofsky, executive director. “That gives us an opportunity for a longer look. By the way, our first blog post was August 7, 2009, so we’ve been blogging throughout this whole decade.”
In that decade–those more than 1,000 blogs–we’ve upgraded our website and moved our blogs, stories, and all information to a new and different web server. So providing you with our top 10 blogs this decade proves difficult.
Still, here are the top 10 from 2019, and a few from the decade thrown in for good measure.
- Former executive board member Barbara Miller’s recollection of postpartum depression that nearly led to suicide was the most read blog on our site for the second year in a row, read nearly 4,000 times.
- We refashioned Linda’s blog about prayer squares this year, and though it ran only in November, it and its companion blog from October 2014 (Fall findings) are second on our list.
- Elizabeth McBride’s blog about welcoming women into the organization by refraining from age shaming hit a nerve.
- In October, Linda’s blog about Thursdays in Black declared the organization as one resisting attitudes and practices that permit rape and violence.
- It’s getting embarrassing, but again Linda makes the top 10 list with her blog about participating in an online stitching community.
- Valora K Starr’s piece about how the Holy Spirit is moving among women of the church created a stir.
- Val makes the list again with her sage advice about waiting a few seconds before commenting on Facebook posts.
- Executive board member Laura Krueger writes about how her church has been revived by a diaper ministry.
- Guest blogger Isabell Retamoza believes Columbus Day should be renamed Indigenous Peoples’ Day.
- Audrey Novak Riley encourages women to get involved in politics by “making some noise.”
A couple of staffers—Linda and Elizabeth Hunter—remember blogs they wrote in years past for which they were proud. Liz’s favorite is about how challenges are opportunities for growth. And Linda’s is one about remembering her parents.
Though we don’t have analytics that go back 10 years, some of our more popular blogs during the decade that come up in our search include:
- #MeToo: A litany for speaking out (or not) (Elizabeth McBride)
- Gathering’s renewal offers opportunity for change (Linda Post Bushkofsky)
- Creativity saves cold feet, environment (Edna Siniff, guest author)
- Mary’s truth (Linda Post Bushkofsky)
- No cell phone rule got teens talking (Sara Larson, executive board)
- Many of us need a good spiritual cleaning (Dinah Dutta, executive board)
- Laundry ministry creates bubbles of enthusiasm (Terri Lackey)
- Four big questions for small groups (Audrey Novak Riley)
- Want to reduce your grief? Live in the present (Elizabeth McBride)
- Toppled communion ware demonstrates grace (Tricia Niesche, guest author)
Check out these and all our blogs at Tell us what you would like to read about or submit your own blog for others to read. You might make the top 10 list next year or next decade.
Do you remember a Women of the ELCA blog you’ve read that made you think? What was it?