Lent has long been a season of the church year when people fast in repentance and to focus on God. The Greek and Latin roots of the word repent literally mean a “change of mind” or to “turn around,” and for centuries people have chosen to fast to turn and return to God.
When we think of fasting, we usually think of food—but fasting can mean letting go of anything to focus more on God and the things that matter most. Lent is a good time to fast from certain types of spending, to discover how spending money can be done for the glory of God.
Fasting from some aspect of shopping or spending for the season of Lent offers an opportunity to be more deliberate about how we use the resources God gives us.
This message is an excerpt of “Minimalism, Christianity and Lent” by Becca Ehrlich in the March 2018 issue of Café.
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