“Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.”
My first memory of hearing this untrue statement came after my classmates saw I had lost my two front teeth. I watched my teacher’s mouth move as she delivered this jingle, gave me a hug and wiped my tears. I believed my teacher, but my classmates’ words were painful: “You are a Snagglepuss!”
And, though I enjoyed the Snagglepuss cartoon character—a pink mountain lion with a lisp—my classmates meant to hurt my feelings with their words.
Words are the best invention since the napkin when they are used in a good way. Words can encourage, lift up and offer confidence. The right words spoken at the right time can give the listener just what is needed to move forward.
Do your words encourage, lift up or give confidence for ourselves and others?
This message is an excerpt from the devotion “We are called to use our words for good” by Valora K Starr.
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