What is grace? It is to believe that God will extend love and acceptance to all of us without us having to earn a single thing. When is the last time you were given something without having to earn it? It is a counter-cultural concept.
God’s grace is so radical. You can never be a “better” Christian, and you will never be more deserving of this grace. I invite you to step into this grace. Grace that you did not earn. Grace that you cannot lose in the future. Grace that will never wear thin or be taken back.
“And the Word became flesh and stayed for a little while among us; we saw the Word’s glory — the favor and position a parent gives an only child — filled with grace, filled with truth. Out of Jesus’ fullness we have all received grace in place of grace already given” (John 1:14,16, The Inclusive New Testament translation).
Live into God’s radical grace and extend that grace to those around you.
This message is excerpted from the May 5, 2020, Cafe Faith Reflection “Accepting God’s Radical Grace” by SommerAnn McCullough. All are welcome to attend a Blue Christmas service via Zoom, December 21 at 7 p.m. (CST).
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