The change of seasons from autumn to winter is an eye-opening exercise at my home. Cushions and patio furniture gets stored, flower beds get leveled. We also take our cars in for winter check-ups, and we have our furnace inspected.
In other parts of the world, people are getting ready to face the hunger season. This is the point in time when all foreign aid is used up and when what crops did survive a drought are all that remain between a family and famine.
While my family does not celebrate Thanksgiving, we will have a family dinner on that November day, and we always have far too much food. This gluttony continues through to our Christmas.
I advocate for hungry people because I am a Christian, and Jesus clearly said that anytime we feed a hungry person, we are feeding him. How do you help the hungry during the long winter months?
Today is the 21st Sunday after Pentecost. This message is adapted from a Women of the ELCA blog, “Preparing for a new season,” written by Inez Torres Davis.
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