Passions call us by name and blaze brightly, lighting a clear(ish) path for us to follow. Without explanation, we simply know, “I have to do this!”
That happened to me in my 20s. One day during my morning devotions, I felt the undeniable stirring of the Holy Spirit. My heart was turned toward Mama Africa. I just had to get there! I confidently pursued that passion and before I knew it, I was an ELCA missionary in Namibia! I lived and worked in Africa for more than two years.
Looking back, it seems that, to some degree, some passions are time-sensitive. When Mama Africa called my name, I was 20-something, single, with no kids. Certainly, we can serve God at any age, but global ministry is easier when you have fewer responsibilities.
The disciples were well acquainted with captivating passions. Mark’s Gospel teaches us that when Jesus called Simon, Andrew, James and John, they immediately left their fishing nets and followed him (1:17-20).
This message is an excerpt from “Passion that chooses us” by Angela T. Khabeb in Café.
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