Read Job 12:7-10. Now, go somewhere where you can get away into nature. The hope is to find a quiet place to be surrounded by God’s creation.
Walk. Sit by water. Lie on the grass. (Or find a picture window indoors if it’s too chilly to go outside.) Notice your surroundings. Listen. Breathe. Be present.
Reflect on the following question: “Choose one facet of creation that you love. . . . Observe it, think about it, learn about it every chance you can, with this question in mind: If that element of creation were your only Bible, what would it tell you about God?” (Brian McLaren)
Give thanks for God’s creation and presence all around.
This message is an excerpt from Cafe’s November 2016 article “Retreat where you are” by Kimberly Knowle-Zeller. Today we remember Ambrose, bishop of Milan, who died in 397.
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