What is the truth of the Christmas story? It is that God chose to live among us as a human being, a baby who wailed, a man who loved us and suffered for it. God is not separate from us. God is in, with and under us, “now in flesh appearing.”
Another truth is that Jesus, God’s Son, was born in humble circumstances and lived among poor, powerless people. Shepherds, anathema to both religious and polite society, were the first ones to hear about a flesh-and-blood God. Herod wasn’t the first to hear this. Neither were the Romans. Mary, Joseph and Jesus escaped to Egypt to save their lives, becoming refugees (Matthew 2:13-15). Poverty and insecurity marked the circumstances of Jesus’ infancy and childhood. The truth here? God is always with us, even in times of trouble.
This message is from “Christmas Again” by Susie Gamelin in the December 2020 Gather magazine. Today we commemorate Stephen, Deacon and Martyr.
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