Doubt is an obstacle. Consider the inventions not made, the books not written, the phones not dialed, the emails not sent. We didn’t think we could, or we didn’t think it would help, or we stopped hoping. As we walk through life, from Lent to Easter, we often doubt God’s purpose. We keep tally of goals made and lost. We measure our positions, relative to those of others.
But it is not about measurements or keeping score. For God, it’s more about what we’re becoming. We don’t grow into better people without challenges. Doubt goes with us on our journey. Often, it doesn’t leave us even when we get to Easter. But doubt isn’t strong enough to keep Jesus in the grave. Jesus is risen!
This message is an excerpt of a Women of the ELCA blog by Elizabeth Hunter. Today is Easter Day when we celebrate the Resurrection of Our Lord. “Hallelujah, Christ has risen, Christ has risen indeed!”
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