We know many of you have enjoyed the writing of our soon-to-be-retired executive director, Linda Post Bushkofsky, both here in the blog and in Gather magazine. We asked Linda to select four of her favorite blog posts from the last 22 years, and we’re running them this month. “Each one,” says Linda, “shows the power of the community of women who walk with us in our faith journeys. This organization is filled with remarkable women who continually show up for one another.” To honor Linda’s service and leadership, you’re invited to make a gift in her name to 2122: Growing Katie’s Fund for the next 100 years, the campaign to raise $1 million for this endowment. Learn how to make a gift.
by Linda Post Bushkofsky
When I was in my early 30s, I met three grandmas named Dorothy. Were they still living, they’d probably be a bit embarrassed to be named in this blog. Why make such a fuss? After all, they saw themselves simply as disciples of Christ, doing what God called them to do. But these women helped shape my maturing faith (and that of many others), and they continue to inspire me today.
Dot taught me how to love, respect, and care for all of God’s creation. Dot organized the early efforts in our congregation to ‘adopt a highway.’ Members would regularly gather to clean up the interchange. Dot thought it would look better with some flowers, but the highway department would not permit it. Nonetheless, at Dot’s direction, the clean-up crew sometimes carried seeds in our pockets (pockets with holes, of course). So what if a few seeds fell out?
From Dottie I learned to have fun in my faith, experiencing the joy of God. With an infectious laugh and a great sense of color in her fashion choices, Dottie was easily spotted in a crowd. Dottie, the mother of six, would laugh when telling how she washed (and washed and washed) diapers for her little ones. She brought a lot of joy to nursing homes as Tootles, the clown, when our congregation had a clown ministry. Dottie simply knew how to have fun and gave others the permission to do so too.
Dorothy taught me of the unconditional love of God in Jesus Christ. Long before the days of WWJD, Dorothy was asking that question. Her answer, in the way she lived her life, was simple – Jesus would have us love our neighbors. Even now, years after her death, I think of Dorothy’s persistent expression of love to all those who touched her life. Countless children in Sunday school, vacation Bible school, and Girl Scouts learned of Jesus’ love at Dorothy’s knee.
Lessons of hospitality
All three Dorothys taught me about hospitality too. Dot always welcomed the cleanup crews to her home, serving a delicious chocolate cake. Dottie greeted newcomers to Sunday fellowship and made them feel welcome. I treasure a coffee cake recipe from Dorothy (often served at our congregational unit’s breakfast potlucks), her grandmother’s recipe from the Great Depression.
As we begin Women’s History Month, I offer thanks for these three grandmothers named Dorothy. Who are the women who helped shape your faith? Which women inspire you? Share their names in the comments, and we can all offer a prayer of thanksgiving for these women.
Linda Post Bushkofsky is executive director, Women of the ELCA.
This blog post first appeared on the Women of the ELCA website in March 2023.