Meeting virtually in December 2024 and January 2025, Women of the ELCA board members discussed strategic planning, leadership, finances and stewardship.
New Strategic Plan for 2024-2026
In December, the executive board approved a new Strategic Plan for Women of the ELCA titled Connect, Create, Complement, Continue, and Celebrate. Presented by Interim Executive Director Jennifer Hockenbery in collaboration with churchwide staff, these five goals for 2024-2026 were taken from conversations with staff, executive board members, synodical women’s organizations (SWO) presidents, and participants of Women of the ELCA. An online survey that drew more than 200 responses was also used in gathering information for the plan. Under the plan, the organization will work strategically to:
Connect with women who are not yet affiliated with Women of the ELCA to communicate Christ’s love and affirmation and to engage them in our circle of care. We seek to support and affirm their gifts and callings, along with those of all the women who are currently participants in the organization.
Create new resources that help women in a variety of contexts to grow in faith, affirm their God-given gifts, and follow their callings.
Complement existing resources with new funding sources as well as a strong stewardship model that focuses on the generous sharing of the God-given gifts of our time, talents, and treasure.
Continue existing ministries and programs that nourish and strengthen those who participate in Women of the ELCA and the ELCA as a whole.
Celebrate our vibrant community and our goals together!
Hockenbery to lead through the triennium
The executive board voted January 12 to extend Interim Executive Director Jennifer Hockenbery’s contract until December 31, 2026, to ensure a continuity of leadership throughout the triennium.
“This extension reduces anxiety about a leadership change as we move forward with the strategic direction approved in November 2024, and [with] planning for the 2026 Triennial Convention and Gathering,” explained Myrna Wells-Ulland, executive board president.
Not just budget and finances, but stewardship
In December, the Executive Board approved the 2025 budget for the churchwide women’s organization alongside a plan to pay back the debt owed to the ELCA from the 2023 Triennial Convention and Gathering. The debt will be paid back over the next two years, using money set aside for projects that were completed under budget, and interest earned by the New Ministry Fund and the General Fund endowments. The Executive Board clearly communicated that cost-saving measures must be taken so the next Triennial Gathering incurs no further debt. As part of the cost-savings, the 2026 Triennial Convention will be held virtually in July 2026.
The next Triennial Gathering will be held in person in July 2026 in Des Moines, Iowa. Registration for the Gathering will begin this summer. Information for the event is updated frequently on our website, so check back often!
The Executive Board announced that board member Julia Sabella made a generous $25,000 challenge grant to the Katie’s Fund Capital Campaign, and asked other board and staff members to match her donation. Board members and staff members rose to the challenge and together gave $25,000 to the Campaign. The board is now challenging SWO officers and board members to match this $50,000 donation by making gifts to Katie’s Fund between January 1 and June 13, 2025.
The Katie’s Fund Capital Campaign: 2022: The Campaign for Katie’s Fund ends June 13, 2025—the 500th anniversary of the wedding of Martin Luther and Katharina Von Bora. The campaign has raised more than $500,000 in donations and pledges. To donate, visit or mail a check to: Women of the ELCA, ELCA Gift Processing Center, PO Box 1809, Merrifield VA 22116-8009. Note “Katie’s Fund WOG0206” in the memo line.