I serve on my synod’s candidacy committee. A candidate once shared that said she had always felt called to ministry, just not ordained ministry.
We might think that if we are not ordained, we have no call in this society, or we may not look to our lives and service as a call. Yet the word “call” is much bigger than we can imagine.
I’ve felt a call to work in service for others as a cosmetologist. My call to be a wife, mother and grandmother is very profound. I have also been called to be a godparent to six children. I have been called to serve Women of the ELCA in its many expressions.
Jenny Michael, a past president of the Women of the ELCA, once wrote: “…God does not call us only once, but calls us many times, to many different vocations. There are calls to faith, calls to family, calls to work-life, but in among all of that there are also calls to specific communities and calls to particular tasks within those communities.”
Consider the many calls you’ve taken and served. You are called!
This message is excerpted from “It’s your call” by Syd Brinkman from the April 7, 2014, blog of the Women of the ELCA.
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