I remember the story of Esther from Sunday school — the tale of the brave queen who intervened on her people’s behalf. With adult eyes, the story disturbs me deeply.
I am struck by the arrogance of conquerors, the blindness of privilege, the fatal temptations of wealth and power. What is it about us that drives our hunger for power and the security we think is thus assured? What is it about us that assumes our own superiority — that our rights supersede the dignity of others?
All of us, every creature of God’s creation, is loved by God and seen as wondrous and good.
This message is an excerpt of “Deep assumptions” by Catherine Malotky in the June 2019 issue of Gather magazine. Today we remember Philipp Nicolai, who died in 1608; Johann Heermann, who died in 1647; and Paul Gerhardt, who died in 1676; hymnwriters.
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