In rejection, God is there. We have a God who knows what rejection feels like, who lived through the ultimate rejection. But God worked through the cross and brought resurrection to Jesus and to all who follow him.
Jesus and God’s grace are with us when we experience rejection. With God’s help, we can work through our reactions to rejection. We can work through our emotions, the uncertainty, the identity crisis, and avoid tragedy—because our God knows what rejection is like and can help us through it.
We will experience rejection, but Jesus is the “stone which the builders rejected” and he “has become the cornerstone” (Acts 4:11). With Jesus, the God of rejection and resurrection as our foundation, we too are resurrected after rejection. We have hope in Jesus Christ.
This message is excerpted from “What the Bible says about rejection” by Becca Ehrlich from the August 2019 Cafe online magazine. Today is the Third Sunday after Pentecost.
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