Belonging is important to us all. Our DNA is wired for it. How can we find joy knowing that some of us are more welcome than others based on our human constructs? How do we find joy knowing that we have built a system of being together that rewards some and not others?
How shall we hold these truths in tension together? If we are excluded, we could turn to bitter resentment and anger. If we are among those privileged, we can close our eyes to the suffering of others and commit only to our own happiness.
But God, we hope for a better, more inclusive welcome for all God’s children. And in the hope of that vision, we can find joy in our present, the courage to reimagine our world from God’s perspective, with justice for all. Amen.
This message is an excerpt from “Finding joy” by Catherine Malotky in the November 2019 issue of Gather magazine.
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