I think one person of the Holy Trinity gets short shrift. We celebrate the Holy Spirit’s life and work on one Sunday of the church year—Pentecost—and maybe again on Holy Trinity Sunday.
Benedictine author Joan Chittister speaks for many of us when she says: “Do I believe in the Holy Spirit? You bet I do.” But then she adds: “What I really believe is that the Holy Spirit is the most active, least honored presence of God in the Church” (“In search of Belief,” p. 163).
What might it look like if we did a better job of honoring the Spirit’s wisdom and activity?
Today we remember John of the Cross, renewer of the church (1591). This message was adapted from “The Wisdom of the Spirit” written by Phyllis Kersten that first appeared in the May 2010 issue of Lutheran Woman Today (now Gather) magazine. If you are reading “Daily Grace” online, sign up to receive it by email daily.