Calling people out of the blue has always been my thing. I’ve missed the late 90s and early 2000s when you could just call people on their landline. You could call people and hope they would pick up, and you didn’t have to be anxious that you were making them anxious. And you didn’t have to wonder if they would answer and ask, “What’s wrong?”
Somehow we collectively grew out of this, and I don’t know if it was because of texting, or if it was because of Facebook, or if it was because of generalized anxiety, or if it was because of people being introverts all along pretending they were extroverts and deciding to give that up around 2008 or so. But people don’t do this anymore, except for me.
And it seems to me that these days, people are falling into the thing that I’ve always done–that I’ve never forgotten or gotten too cool for—the thing I have been regularly lonely enough to do almost whenever I’ve wanted to over the past decade.
Who will you call today?
This message is an excerpt from a Women of the ELCA blog by Deana Velandra.
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