God is light in in [God] there is no darkness at all. (1 John 1:5b)
I remember when my children were small, we were constantly reminding them that God is in all we do and are. As we planted garden seeds, I’d ask, “Where is God here?” We are putting seeds in the soil, feeding and watering the earth, and pulling the weeds. But if we put rocks there instead of seeds or catsup made from tomatoes instead of a tomato plant, would we be eating bacon, lettuce, and tomato sandwiches in July?
Each day, I like to remind myself, “Where is God in this day? How can I draw closer to ‘the light’ so I can see more clearly what God is showing me this day?” We, as women, can put meaning in all we do if we ask this question of ourselves often, and then listen carefully for the answer.
This message is an excerpt from a column by Glenda Ofstehage, president of South Dakota Women of the ELCA synod, in the SWO’s winter 2019 newsletter. Today, on this third Sunday of Easter, some observe Cinco de Mayo and others the first day of Ramadan.
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