After digging through the closet, I pulled out a box marked “Treasures.” This box holds sentimental items from my past. More than sentimental keepsakes, they symbolize what I treasure most: the relationships, words of wisdom and encouragement, formative events in my life, and the experiences that have grounded and shaped me.
We treasure things that we value and embrace with joy, whether we store in them in a box, display them on a shelf, or keep them in our thoughts. Jesus said, “Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also” (Luke 12:34). What we treasure reveals who we are and what we value. When we pay attention to why we choose to treasure certain things, we gain new insight into what deeply matters to us. The treasures of our heart connect us with our past, reminding us of places we have been, hardships we have faced, significant events in our lives, and people who have been important to us.
This message is excerpted from “Treasure of our hearts” by Julie A. Kanarr in the December 2020 Gather magazine. Today is the Ninth Sunday after Pentecost.
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