Today we’re all in different places. Some of us are exhausted. Some are terrified. Some are depressed. Some are angry. Some are joyful. Some of us feel flat.
No matter where we find ourselves in life, we are all part of the body of Christ. We have a job – there is a purpose for the place where we find ourselves at any given moment.
At a webinar sponsored by Wake Forest Law School and Wake Forest Divinity School, Alison McCrary, a Catholic nun turned civil rights attorney, talked about how we are all part of the body of Christ. Some of us are the voice of Christ that preaches good news, others are the hands and feet that serve, still others are the feet that move us forward to justice.
Alison told us she was the “stomach acid of the body of Christ.” She laughed and added: “I disrupt, disturb, and disorder unjust societal constructs.” Then she asked us what part of the body of Christ we were.
This message is excerpted from “’This was not on my list’” by Susan Sparks in the November/December 2021 Gather magazine.
Bring your grief, fear, and loss to the annual Blue Christmas Service, on Thursday, December 21, at 7 p.m. CST. Register now to attend online.
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