More than 7,000 people–mostly women and children–from Central America, are waiting desperately at Mexico’s northern border, hoping for safe haven in the United States. They are running from horrific violence and grinding poverty in their countries, and they only want safety.
They want to apply for asylum, but they must be in the U.S. to do so.
I can’t imagine the terrifying conditions that would drive a mother to pack up her children and belongings and walk–walk–for hundreds of miles toward our border in hopes of finding a safe refuge here in America. Can you?
In the scriptures, God hears the cries of this desperate migrant family and saves them. I pray God hears the cries of the migrant families at our borders. I pray that we who call ourselves Christians hear the cries of the migrant families and act.
What will you do to show God’s love for all?
This message is excerpted from a Women of the ELCA blog by Jen DeLeon. Read the blog to find out how you can act.
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