We usually see bullies as powerful and, in fact, their ability to “overpower” or inflict emotional wounds is indisputable. But think of the young African Americans who first refused to leave a segregated lunch counter in 1960 or Rosa Parks who remained in her bus seat in 1955.
Were the children of Birmingham knocked to the ground by fire hoses and savaged by dogs in 1963 weak or strong?
What kind of strength does it take to be patient rather than lash out? What kind of strength does it take to negotiate rather than claim all rights to the more noble vision? What kind of strength does it take to be crucified for the sake of God’s promise to bring life out of death?
Perhaps strength is more nuanced than brute power. Perhaps strength is about endurance and commitment, patience and hope.
This message is an excerpt from “In the eyes of the beholder,” by Catherine Malotky in the November 2016 issue of Gather magazine.
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