The Gospel of John tells the story of Jesus turning water into wine at a wedding. When the hosts run out of wine, Jesus saves them from disgrace by replacing it. Working behind the scenes, he restores the sense of abundance to the party. Not only was the miracle wine plentiful, but it was of better quality.
Whether in churches, families or governments, when we think we’re running out of resources, it’s easy to start judging others, jumping to conclusions and feeling discouraged. In these moments, the scripture offers an alternative — to point to the abundance in our lives, to celebrate the people that are here, the money we do have, the resources we can use, and invite each other to taste and see that it is good.
This message is adapted from a stewardship devotion by Emma Crossen in Interchange, the quarterly newsletter of Women of the ELCA. Today we remember Justin, martyr at Rome, who died around 165.
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