It’s okay to get a little grumpy sometimes. Everyone has bad days, and we all make occasional, less-than-optimal choices in our interactions with people. That’s one of the many reasons it’s great to be a Lutheran, right?
We know that we are both sinner and saint, that we mess up, but we are also capable of forgiving and being forgiven. Acknowledging we’re grumpy is a good start, but we are called to repent, which means not just admitting our mistakes, but turning away from them, continuing in a different direction.
So how do we start? In my case I think perhaps it’s helpful to remind myself that the world isn’t perfect—and neither am I. Sometimes people are, indeed, jerks. And sometimes I am too. I need patience and grace, and I need to extend it to everyone else.
This message is an excerpt from a Women of the ELCA blog by Sarah Carson.
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